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Technique Improvement + Triathlon

Swim Faster & Further: Master Your Technique!

If you are one of the 2/3 of the adult population in England who believe they can swim, but you are here on this page, it's very likely you think your swimming needs polishing and improving.  Normally the need to improve technique comes up when people cannot swim fast enough or need to swim a fair distance like 750 meters for a triathlone event. So, if you think  you may need lessons to improve technique or learn a new stroke, we are here to help.

Why Swimming With Good Technique Helps

Better Technique= Better Swimming

Improving your stroke technique can drastically improve your overall swimming. You can get more efficient, you can swim faster and longer, and get more confidence in the water. Technique in swimming is  important in order to be able to travel in water efficiently. This means swimming well and swimming far. In swimming, your technique is more important than your fitness level.

front crawl swimmer with a good technique

Our Swimming Coaches Can Help You with Technique

Teaching children and adults are very different in swimming. Our can provide 1:1 lessons for learning technique.

Our experienced swimming teachers and coaches can help you to identify parts of your technique. They work with you to learn or correct your strokes. If you want to improve your front crawl technique for a triathlon competition, technique correction is even more important to hold your technique together for open water swimming.

There are three main areas which most adults need to work on to achieve a good technique for any stroke.

  • Body position

  • Correct Arm & Leg Action or Biomechanics

  • Timing 

In swimming, timing is very important. You can have a perfect arm and leg action but, if you don't know when and how to breathe in or out, your technique falls apart after only  a few meters of swimming. Apart from backstroke, in front crawl, breaststroke and butterfly you need to breathe in and out continuously to keep your technique together for a long swim.

Swimmers with poor technique tend to also pick yp injuiries.

Correct Your Technique 

You can contact us to arrange a telephone consultation about our bespoke technique correction coaching sessions.

Or get in touch by phoning us on 0208 090 1415 05