What Are Termly Swimming Lessons
Termly swimming lessons are swimming lessons which do follow a format of once-a-week lessons and normally are offered during school term time-though there are some swim schools which may also provide termly swimming lessons over the school holidays. Weekly lessons could be private, semi-private lessons or small group.
Two Big Advantages of Termly Swimming Lessons
- Many families who live in South London tend to spend their holidays away or have some out-of-town activities arranged for their children hence doing lessons only over the school term time saves money for not paying for the lessons which you will not likely benefit from and run over the school half-terms and long holidays like Easter and summer.
- The majority of out of school activities for children for arts and sports tend to follow the same format of one-a-week. therefore, doing swimming based on a once-a-week basis or termly format enables your child to do other activities on other days of the week, after school hours.
Blue Wave Swim School’s termly Lessons in South London
We have been providing our termly swimming @ Wimbledon College venue in Wimbledon, in South London since 2010. We offer weekly lessons on Saturdays from 2.30 pm until 5.30 pm.
We offer 3 terms of swimming lessons each year; Autumn term, Spring term and Summer term
Autumn Term:
It runs from early September until mid-January.
Spring Term
It starts after schools in South London resume after the new year holiday. It is normally starts in early or mid-January and runs until the start of the school’s Easter holiday.
Summer Term:
It starts after schools in South London resume after the Easter holiday finishes. It is normally starts in mid or late April and runs until the start of the school’s summer holiday in July.
Start of Termly Swimming Lessons in 2025
Our new Spring term for 2025 will start on Saturday 11th of January 2025. Spring term runs until the end of March.
During the half-term breaks, we take one Saturday off.
2025 Summer Term Dates
@ Wimbledon College venue: From the first Saturday after the end of school Easter holidays until late July.
Half-term break in Summer term: No swimming lessons are running over the long bank holiday weekend at the end of May.
You can enquire online about 0ur termly swimming lessons in south London or call 0208 090 1415.