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How to Know When to Stop Swimming Lessons

When one starts swimming lessons, there’s always that urge – like the Energizer bunny – to keep going … and going, and never stop. And that’s because, when one gets the hang of it, swimming lessons can be addictive; albeit in a good way.

Swimming is an important skill for all children to learn and is great for their physical and mental health. Knowing when to stop swimming lessons for your child can be a difficult decision to make, but it is important to get it right.

The big question many parents have is; how do I know that it’s time for my child to stop swimming lessons?

That’s a valid question. We’ll try to answer that question in this blog post. Hopefully, by the time we’re done, you’ll know when to bring down the curtains, whether permanently or temporarily.

READ MORE: When is it O.K to stop swimming lessons?

Child’s call

The decision to start swimming lessons solely rests with your child. The same should apply when it comes to hitting the stop button.

You should not force your child to learn how to swim. Instead, encourage your child. You may have the best intentions for your child, but your intentions should not supersede your child’s willingness.

Listening to your child also means paying close attention to what their body is saying. How is their body taking the swimming lessons? Are they hurting from the lessons? Do the lessons adversely affect their mood?

If the cons outweigh the pros, then it would be better to pull the plug on the lessons. You may consider putting the lessons off and trying to address the issues of concern, before taking the lessons again.

As a parent, you should be attentive and listen to what the child is not saying. Maybe, they don’t want to say no because they feel like they will disappoint you. Having an open conversation with your child and encouraging them to speak up will help you make a decision that’s good for your child.

Encouragement is key and celebrating their successes can help to build their confidence. Perhaps consider other methods of skills development such as rewarding them for taking part or introducing them to competitive swimming.

READ MORE: How to Help Anxious Children To Swim

Parent’s call

Three of the duties of a parent are guidance, protection and provision. These three duties and key when a child takes swimming lessons. The parent should guide the child in making the right decisions, protect them from all forms of harm and provide everything that is needed to make the lessons a success.

When parents decide when to end their child’s swimming lessons, safety should be the primary consideration. And this should be all-round safety; body, mind and spirit.

Knowing when to end swimming lessons also means understanding when the child has developed the skills to swim safely. It’s important to remember that swimming is a lifelong skill that can be enjoyed as they grow up.

Did you have any deliverables when the lessons started? If these have been satisfactorily achieved, you can stop the swimming lessons

For instance, when they reach a level of competence and can stay afloat in the water – if this was the deliverable – then parents can decide to stop swimming lessons.

Parents should also consider the age of the child, as well as the environment in which they will be swimming. Once they have a good grasp of the basics and understand the safety guidelines, they can decide to end lessons and begin to explore swimming on their own.

It can be difficult to know when to stop swimming lessons for your child. Ultimately, however hard it is, the decision should be made by the parents.

READ MORE: How To Prepare For Summer Holiday Swimming Lessons At Home

Instructor’s call

The swimming instructor’s decision is important when it comes to deciding when to stop swimming lessons. While the parents may have a good idea of what their child is capable of, the swimming instructor is the expert and has the knowledge and experience of the sport to make an informed decision.

They will be able to assess the level of progress and advise parents on the best course of action. They can also suggest other areas of improvement that may be beneficial to the child and can use their expertise to recommend activities that will help them further develop their swimming skills.

The instructor has certain facts at their fingertips, which the child or parent may not have. For instance, because they have regularly interacted with the child during the process, they may know how proficient a child is in water. They may also know if the child has a good understanding of the basics and can confidently swim a few strokes, and it may be time to stop lessons.

However, if a child is still struggling to stay afloat and needs help when completing the exercises, then they may need more lessons.

The instructor can also gauge your child’s enthusiasm. They can tell if your child is enjoying the lessons. If they seem to be having fun and are motivated to learn more, then you may want to continue the lessons. On the other hand, if they seem to be uninterested or find the lessons difficult, then it may be time to think about ending them.

READ MORE: Why Can Swimming Make Children Happy?

Doctor’s call

Does your child have a health condition which is adversely affected by swimming? Does your child have an aquaphobia? 

If your child has an aquaphobia, it would be best to let a professional health expert deal with their phobia, instead of trying to use the swimming lessons for systematic desensitisation to rid your child of aquaphobia. It is important to take into account all factors involved, including physical and mental health, before making a decision.

If your child’s swimming teacher and doctor both agree that it is time to end lessons, then just do it. Understand that they are doing what’s best for your child. It’s all about  erring on the side of caution.

In conclusion, there is no definitive answer as to when the right time is to stop your child’s swimming lessons, or who will make the ultimate call. Sometimes, it may be only one person who will do it. Other times, it can be a combination of different factors and faces.

Our call

If you’re looking for swimming lessons for you or your child, contact us here to get started as soon as possible! We look forward to swimming with you!

Connect with us on Instagram here to stay in touch.

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