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Are Swimming Crash Courses Better Than Weekly Lessons?

Weekly Swimming Lessons Vs Swimming Crash Courses

Once a week lessons or termly swim lessons over school term time are very popular. But, swimming crash courses are getting more and more popular too. This is what a Harvard University’s scientist tells all parents about swimming lessons: all children should have them.

Although swimming lesson are not just for children, a vast majority of people who attend swimming lessons- at least in London-are children aged 0 to 11 years old.

For this reason, leaning to swim programmes are designed to cater for children. Hence, their timetable is designed to be suitable for pre-school and school-aged children. 

Therefore, swim lessons are normally run weekly and duration of each lesson could be anything between 30 mins to 60 mins. Be mindful the classroom lessons at schools  also run based on 30 mins slots. so, 30 minutes lesson is what children are used to hence 30-min swim lessons are very common.

At the same time, over the school holidays like school half-term breaks and longer holidays like Easter and summer, when schools are closed, swim schools also offer swimming crash courses.

What Are Swimming Crash Courses?

Swimming crash courses are when swim lessons run on consecutive days and sometimes-in case of long school breaks like summer holidays- on consecutive weeks. So rather than having one lesson every week, you or your child can have swim lessons everyday over a period of one week or two or even three weeks.

Swimming teacher at Blue Wave Swim School in London, U.K

No 1 Reason For Choosing Swimming Crash Course

The reality with swimming lessons is that most children only attend one (rarely two) 30 minute lessons per week. Parents wonder why learning to swim could be so slow.

If your swim school is not offering lessons over school term time, and your child attends EVERY lesson without missing any lessons due to illness or birthday parties, that is 19 hours of swimming per year. This is assuming there are 39 weeks and each week you child has a 30 mins lesson.

When you see it like that, it is hardly surprise learning to swim takes time!

Learning to swim require practising a lot. Practise is a must to learn to swim correctly.

Crash courses will help to boost your child’s success and speeds up the learning process greatly.

There has been scientific studies which have shown the progression made with having consecutive lessons is more than having weekly lessons.

Swimming Crash Courses Over School Holidays And Half-Term Break

Time really does fly. That is normally when people, specially parents with school-aged children to start looking into finding activities which could be fun, engaging, active and maybe stimulating.                                                 

Swimming is fun during summer. Swimming indoors during the dark and wet Autumn/Winter days are deeply relaxing and recharging for all including kids.

Still looking into options for keeping your children active over the half-term break?

Why Swimming is a Fantastic Activity over School Holidays

   Fun+ Play+ Learn+ Be Active= Swimming Lessons

What could be more amazing than learning a life skill whilst your child is safely active and, feel fresh and relaxed afterwards! This is how amazing swimming is.

Interested? Simply submit your interest in booking next week crash courses and we’ll contact you.

Hope to see you soon in the pool!

This blog was published on 21 October 2020 and updated in 2024. Please direct all licensing questions to Marjan Moosavi by emailing info@bluewaveswim.co.uk

Marjan Moosavi founder of Blue Wave Swim

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