Give The Gift of Swimming on Father’s Day

a father and his toddler on the poolside before going for a swim

‘Thank You’ To All Swimming Dads For Father’s Day

In the month of June people celebrate Father’s day in many countries including the U.K. Sending a well-deserved ‘thank you’ to all fathers and specially to swimming dads right in the summer is due. By swimming dads, we mean the dads who dive into everything with a splash of enthusiasm and a wave of love specially when it comes to swimming. They show their love by coming to our children lessons, every week, throughout the year, regardless of the weather or season. As learning this important life skill takes time, we see you for many years. We know how important it is for you to ensure your children learn an important life skill and able to enjoy holiday and leisure time in pools and sea. Fathers’ dedication shines through in every swim lesson, every smile and every cheer from the poolside. In month of June every year, Blue Wave swim School wishes all dads a big happy Father’s Day!

four swimming fathers with four children on the poolside after swim lessons

But, Not All Fathers Can Swim Themselves

Everyone in a family loves to enjoy the fun part of summer holidays which normally involves being in and around water in a pool or sea. Throughout the years of teaching adults in Southwest London, we have noticed there are many many adults out there who really want to learn how to be confident in water and go up and down a pool with proper strokes. It is not surprising because one-third of adults are unable to swim in England alone. Yes, the latest statistics by Swim England says 14 million adults are unable to swim.

Also, more than 50% of the population of the world cannot swim and sadly, it means, the risk of reaching adulthood and remaining a nonswimmer is high.

What So Many Adults Cannot Swim

Over the years, we have asked our adult learners to tell us why they didn’t learn to swim as a child. The most popular answers have been listed below:

1) Unenthusiastic instructors

2) Cold water and pools

3) School swimming involved too much traveling to get to a public pool. So they were rushed in and out of the pool. All meant learning to swim never had included any fun part

4) Too many children in the classes and teachers never had enough time to give enough attention

5) Had nervous parents who couldn’t swim either or didn’t prioritise learning to swim

We know there could be several other reasons behind 14 million adults in England remain non-swimmers and have expressed concerns about water going over their heads. But, we would like to reminder everyone, that it’s never too late to start learning to swim.

men swimming in the swimming pool

1:1  Adult Swim Lessons

We strongly believe personalised attention can do wonders for teaching over all aquatic skills. Whether your are a beginner or looking to refine your stroke technique, our experienced instructors can provide one-on-one attention in our private  lessons to help you to master your technique no matter where you are in the swimming journey

Join our weekly or 5-Day intensive summer courses of 1:1 lessons in summer in Wimbledon.

Experience tangible results for yourself with our 1:1 adult lessons.

Express your interest to receive more details about our adult private lessons in Wimbledon.

1:1 adult swim lessons




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