Hello readers,

Thank you for reading our blog.  This is just an update about what’s happening at our swimming school this term. Our 2014 Spring term started on Monday 17 Jan 2014 and we have already passed the half-way point of this term.

This term, we have our swimming lessons running on Mondays and Fridays at Burntwood school venue in Wandsworth and as usual on Saturday afternoons at Wimbledon College. At both venues, the swimming pools are indoor and heated. We are so pleased to be able to offer ‘Parent and Child’ classes at both venues and they run on all three days that we run our standard swimming lessons.

Across different age groups, we are so glad to see our long standing swimmers again, as well as many new swimmers who joined us this term. In fact this term we had many adult swimmers who joined us to improve their swimming skills and prepare for triathlons events.

DSC_0560 DSC_0512The smiley and happy faces that we get to see every week and the lesson-to-lesson progressions that our swimmers are make during this term, are the best motivating factors for our enthusiastic swimming teachers. Our ‘pre-school beginners’ classes are also offered and running at both venues and these classes once again proved to be a very popular classes.

Our swimming lessons for this term will be running until week commencing Monday 31 March 2014 (4 weeks to go) and our last lessons of this term will be on Saturday 5th of April and then we will break for the Easter holiday.

We are really hoping our swimmers keep enjoy our remaining classes of this term and improve their swimming skills even more, before this term ends. We are already looking forward to the start of the 2014 Summer term which will start after the Easter holiday. Our registration for next term will start very soon.

Just Keep Swimming! 🙂