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Benefits of Swimming Crash Courses with 1:1 Lessons for Kids

Why Swimming Private Lesson Crash Courses is Good for Kids?

a 3 year old in toddler swimming class with father at Blue Wave Swim School

It’s either the start of one of school holidays or one will be starting soon hence you have landed on this page. Are you wondering if swimming private lesson crash courses could be more beneficial than group ones or standard weekly group lessons?

For school-aged children, school breaks could be at least one week or up to 6 weeks in summer children are off-school. So, normally it’s a good time to fit in what couldn’t be fit in during the school term time.

Are you thinking about swimming crash courses over the school holidays?

For children who are pre-schoolers, 3 to 4 year olds, and are at the nurseries and get no half-term breaks, the 3 year olds and 4 year olds can still benefit from our October crash course, specially from 1:1 lessons and here’s why:

Private Lessons in Swimming Crash Course over Half-Terms for Pre-Schoolers and School-aged children

The good this about our intensive swim lessons during  half-terms is that we have early morning swimming lessons at Aspire centre in Southfields.

All pre-schoolers who are at nursery can come to our early morning lessons and then go to their nursery after the lessons. How good is that?!

Just a reminder that for children above 3 years old that they don’t need to be in water with their parents or nannies.

Our private lessons are a great way to introduce children specially pre-schoolers to having swim lessons independent from their parents.

We offer 5-Day 1:1 swim lessons as part of our swimming crash course at Aspire centre in Southfields in Wandsworth, South London.

The Real Benefit of Private Swimming Lessons for pre-schoolers

In one week of half-term, your 3 or 4 year old can have a chance to do one lesson every day, Monday to Friday, which is great way to catch up with swimming. This could be extremely advantageous if your child particularly has not done a great deal of swimming or missed out on doing any baby or toddler swimming classes .

Our half-term, Easter  and summer private lessons crash courses could be the perfect start for your 3-year-old or your 4-year -old to get confident in water and with swimming over a short period of time.

Enquire About Our Crash Course


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