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5 Health Benefits of Swimming For All Ages

Health Benefits of Swimming

It is common knowledge that swimming is a great form of exercise. When you swim, your whole body is involved in the exercise, in other words, swimming uses the major muscle groups in the human body; from head and neck to legs and feet. For this reason, swimming is such a great form of exercise andhealth including mental health. In this blog we will cover the major 5 health benefits of swimming.

5 of the Unquie Benefits of Swimming

Whilst for swimming, its health benefits could be a long list, in this blog we focus on only 5 of those that are really important and makes swimming different to other sports and activities.

1) Water Supports Your Body Weight

Swimming is an activity which gives all individuals a freedom of movement in an almost weightless condition. In swimming water supports your body weight so, it is great for smaller children who don’t have a strong core muscles to support their balance and adults with injuries.

2) Swimming is All-Over Body Workout in Water

All body parts including your limbs, neck, torso, and head can move in all directions that they could possibly move in one of the most gentle envirounments which is water. When you swim one of the 4 main strokes like front crawl, your hands need to catch the water, your arms pull the water, your shoulders rotate and you must continuously kick your legs to stay stable on the top of the water. You also need to rotate your neck and head to breathe with a rhythm. This is what an all-over body workout is.

3) Water is Relaxing

Water itself is a very relaxing substance that provides all humans, regardless of their age, a sense of calm and tranquility. Being in the water is soothing for all of us, specially for children.

A father and daughter swimming together and relaxing in water

4) Swimming And Bonding

Family swimming also are great occasions for parents and children to spend quality time together and enjoy an  activity together in a fun and relax envirounment and form fond memories.

5) Swimming and People With Restricted Movements

Another advantage of swimming and doing physical activities in water is that, for people who may have some restriction of movements in their bodies, due to old or new injuries, and exercise can bring about some discomfort, exercising in water is less painful and reduces any stress-related pain. Because the body is supported by water when you are in a swimming pool, it is safe to do lots of weight-bearing activities which are normally hard to do on land, due to pain or lack of flexibility around the joints.

If you wish to learn to swim contact us for about our lessons in Wimbledon.

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