Baby Swimming Classes with Snorri Magnússon
Visiting the famous Baby Swimming School in Iceland Visiting other swim schools to learn from others and share best practice in baby swimming approaches has always been part of our development at Blue Wave Swim School in London. So when I was in Iceland in October to attend the bi-annual Nordic Baby Swimming Conference, I jumped at …
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November 26, 2018
Marjan |
Baby and Toddler swimming classes, baby swim school, |
Benefits of Infant Swimming at the Nordic Baby Swimming Conference 2018
“The closest thing to mindfulness”, Iceland’s president extols the benefits of Baby Swimming I’ve attended 20 swimming conferences over the last 10 years in six different countries. But this year’s Nordic Baby Swimming Conference held in Selfoss, Iceland was a first. A first in that one of the speakers was none other than the country’s president! …
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November 12, 2018
Marjan |
Baby swimming lessons, Benefits of learning to swim, |
How To Put on A Swim Cap for Your Child!
Learn How To Put a Swim Cap on for your child before Swim Lesson Your child is desperate to get in the swimming pool and lesson is about to start but, you are struggling with the swim cap and just keep trying to pull the cap over the head without any success! The swim cap …
November 05, 2018
Marjan |
latex swim cap, swim cap, |
Finalist for 2018 Business Award-Healthy Workplace in Merton
Blue Wave Swim School is a finalist for the ‘Healthy Workplace’ award Merton Best Business Awards celebrates the best of the local businesses operating in Merton Borough at the prestigious Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Club in Wimbledon (SW19) this week. These awards are sponsored by Merton Chamber of Commerce. Why do you need to know all that? …
Continue reading “Finalist for 2018 Business Award-Healthy Workplace in Merton”
September 17, 2018
Marjan |
business awards, Finalist for Best Business Award Merton, |
The Real Benefits of Baby Swimming!
Benefits of Baby Swimming for Babies And Parents Finding time to do everything is a big challenge these days and picking the best activities to do for your little ones isn’t always easy. But knowing which activity to do to get the most benefits, can make all the difference. When your baby isn’t old enough to walk, it is …
August 27, 2018
Marjan |
Baby and Toddler swimming classes, baby swimming, |
Can My 3 Year Old Do Swimming Lessons?
Swimming Lessons for 3 Year Olds and Pre-schoolers Pre-Schoolers Starting With Swimming Lessons All swimming experts recommend starting children young and these days many parents do! The reason is, that learning to swim must always start by getting used to water and learning to relax in it. The younger a child is, the easier the …
June 05, 2018
Marjan |
Learn to swim, Learning to swim, |
Parental Guide for Summer Swimming And Water Safety
Swimming and Water Safety; Parental Guide for Summer! Hurrah!!! Finally sun is out, the weather is warm and it’s starting to feel like Summer! In just over a couple of months, school’s summer break starts and it will be the time to pack for a summer holiday. Yes, another swimming season will be in full swing …
Continue reading “Parental Guide for Summer Swimming And Water Safety”
May 08, 2018
Marjan |
baby swimming, kids swimming lessons, |
When is it O.K to stop swimming lessons?
Do You Know When Your Child Has Done Enough Swimming Lessons ‘When is the best time to start swimming?‘ is one of the most popular questions we often hear from parents. But, parents rarely ask us about when it’s time to stop swimming lessons. How do you know your child has done enough swimming lessons? When …
April 27, 2018
Marjan |
Benefits of swimming lessons, best practices in swimming, |
Blue Wave Swim School in South London
Learn To Swim From Start to Finish at Blue Wave Swim School At Blue Wave Swim School we know how much sports like swimming can help kids with staying active. A Happy Child is An Active Chid. Water doesn’t know how old you are so, literally everyone, adults, teenagers and a young child, can keep …
April 03, 2018
Marjan |
Benefits of learning to swim, Benefits of swimming lessons, |
Happy Mother’s Day!
It’s Sunday 11 Match 2018 and it’s Mother’s Day. YIPPEE!!! It’s time to say a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to all of the mothers, specially swimming mums, out there for their dedication and support. We say a big ‘Thank You’ to all of our swimming mums. From supporting your little ones in water to hugging them …
March 11, 2018
Marjan |
continuous swimming lessons, Learning to swim, |