Joggling schools runs and busy academic schedules are the biggest challenges for most families in big cities like London. If they are not enough, every year, in addition to school and nursery, most parents choose and add other extra-curriculum activities, like swimming, to their kids’ already busy timetables.
Although swimming is fun and a very popular family activity in summer, when Winter comes swimming can lose its appeal. Nonetheless, some parents are happy to invest their valuable time and energy in taking their young children to weekly swimming lessons regardless. But, some parents may wonder if there is a real benefit in doing year-round swimming lessons for their kids specially for the very young ones like babies and toddlers.
‘My mom was terrified of the water,… she didn’t know how to swim ’til much later in life, so she didn’t want to pass that fear on to me.’ ~ Olympic gold medalist & U.S.A swimmer Missy Franklin.
Human body is designed to move and since birth, movement either on land or in water has a positive impact on our growth and health. In the past 10 years, there has been a growing demand for baby and toddlers swimming classes.
Most parents may not know but, children under three years of age can NOT actually learn to swim competitive strokes like front crawl or back stroke. However, swimming lessons can help young children to socialise, gain water confidence and learn fundamental skills which are useful for learning the technique later on when they are older.
“The most important things a child can inherit are fond memories” ~Frank Sonnenberg
In our School, for under 3s, our swimming classes are designed to have babies and toddlers in water with their parents. These classes are structured in order to provide parents and children with opportunity of doing different fun water-based activities. During our lessons, we sing lots of popular nursery rhymes and use many different colourful toys to make activities even more fun for children.
What memory could be nicer to have for a child to have than being in water, every week; singing and playing with his/her parents? Even for parents; what could be more wonderful that seeing your child’s smily, happy and confident face!!! Don’t think as a parent you can ask for anything more! At Blue Wave Swim we offer lessons for all ages, from 4 months upwards.