Benefits of Baby Swimming Lessons On Physical Development
Baby Swimming For Promoting Physical Development Did you know baby swimming happens to be more than just having quality time for you and your baby in water and enjoying splashing around in the pool? A scientific study in Norway has shown children who start swimming as babies, have better body balance and better gross motor …
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December 01, 2012
Marjan |
Baby swimming lessons, Benefits of swimming lessons, |
Termly Lessons in Autumn and October Half-Term
Termly Swimming Lessons and School Half-Term October half-term break is finished and our termly swimming lessons are back after a short break. A school half-term break which is normally for us one week, it a short break and our swimmers to normal weekly lessons. Although we also offer crash courses in school holidays, many of …
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November 05, 2012
Marjan |
2012 Autumn Term Swim Lessons
Hello, Our 2012 Autumn term started on 8th of September 2012 and so far, we have had 2 weeks of swimming lessons. We are so pleased to be back again at Burntwood School (in Wandsworth) and our lessons are going great in this venue as well as at Wimbledon College. Burntwood school has recently had …
September 21, 2012